Sunday 4 September 2011

2-4 Disaster!

Well... The inevitable happened and I ran absolutely shocking for 2 Days at the highest limit I play and went from being +2k to -2k and $400nl... Whilst playing only the most special specimens of human evolution that exist in the world today. Unfortunately Disco had the fun task of witnessing it all and listening to me bitch and moan, whilst I was getting owned/playing sub par/running like aids.

Here are all the pots I lost over the last few days >50bb at 2-4:

Converseley this is the pots >50bb I won over the last 2 days at 2-4:


Luckily I bought 20% of Simon at 25-50NL and he did what he does and won a BI there, so gave me a buffer $1k and I cleared a $400 Bonus on PKR, which helped ease the pain a tiny bit.

I also, played some 100nl 6max to clear a PKR bonus.

I'm going to keep all results and banroll together, because it's too complicated keeping it seperate and I'm going to be bumhunting some 6max games if/when I make it to 2-4+, because it would be stupid not to.

Overall since challenge started I can't complain, I've been running hot, esp at the 1-2 Euro tabs on KO, which has been a great site for me with results and action.

Euro 2,9k = about $4,120... So Euro tabs do make a big difference.

Here's my results since I started:

Here's what my roll looks like with RB and bonuses and everything included:

STARS:            $4,273
PKR:                $2,908
KO:                  $7,620
PARTY:           $2,141
NETELLER:    $2,062

TOTAL:          $18,986

So, not far off doubling my starting roll, but I was well over that point 12 hours ago, so obv in a bit of a grim mood atm, despite running well since starting.

Plan going forward = Stay at 100nl to 2-4nl... only playing abs muppets and only playing 2-4 in low variance games untill I climb out my hole there.. Although I would normally shot take at 3-6NL sat around $20k, it's likely I won't do that until I'm out of my 2-4 hole, which might take a while.

I am also, going to start withdraing some of my roll here and there (probs when gets above $20k), esp if I'm only playing 2-4 and lower.

Not gonna do any hand analysis, because I cba... I might go over blocker bets sometime soon, because me and disco were talking about them yesterday and I think they're a v important/under used tool vs bums, esp HU.



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